Will there be available scholarships on the next edition?

The GLOBED programme has been selected to receive another round of funding under the Erasmus+ framework, until the year 2029. That means that those students applying along the next four intakes will have the possibility to opt for the Erasmus Mundus scholarship as well.


When will next call for applications start?

The GLOBED Edition X (2025-2027) call for applications will open approximately from mid-January to mid-February 2025. Information about the call has been updated on our website (Admission and Selection, How to apply?, Finance).


Apart from the financial aspects, will there be any other changes on the 9th Edition?

From the next edition, during the second semester, students will follow three different paths: at the University of Glasgow, the University of Cyprus, or the University of Bremen. The University of Glasgow will offer the path on Education and Global Development, the University of Cyprus will offer studies on Comparative and Inclusive Education, and the University of Bremen.

Besides, we will offer a Regional Specialisation course, taught remotely in the third semester, between the internship and the fieldwork experiences. This module will provide historical background and contemporary policy trends in Asia, Sub Saharan Africa, the Mediterranean, or Latin America and the Caribbean.


Where can I apply for the next intake?

Please, follow the instructions stated at the section How to apply. Applications will be open from the 12th of January until the 19th of February 2024, but instructions are now available on the website.


I don’t meet the English language requirements. Can I apply?

Those students who do not have the certificate by the deadline of the call can submit the application without the language certificate. In that case, you need to attach a form (available at “How to apply” section) or your exam registration in order to finish the admission process.

In case you are accepted into the programme you will be issued a “conditional acceptance” upon submission of the English Certificate before July 2024.


I come from an English-speaking country. Do I need to take an English language test?

No, if your country is listed here, you don’t have to take an English language test.


I don’t come from an English-speaking country but I consider that my language skills will suffice. Do I need to take an English language test?

Yes, non-native English speakers must take an English language test unless they fall in one of the following categories. In such case, they may request an English language proficiency waiver, i.e.:

  • Applicants who have obtained their Bachelor Degree from a university in Australia, Canada, Ireland, the UK, the USA or New Zealand.
  • Applicants who, within the past five years, spent a minimum of two consecutive years of study at a university or institution of higher education in Australia, Canada, Ireland, the UK, the USA or New Zealand and whose language of instruction was English.
  • Applicants who have minimum of two years’ work experience in an international company where English is the official working language (attestation from the employer which testifies proficiency in both written and spoken English must be proved).
  • Applicants from countries where English is one of the several official languages (list available at “How to apply” section).

In each of the above cases, the Consortium Committee reserves the right to request evidence of English language proficiency.


My home university does not appear on the UAB system when I try to apply.

In that case, please select Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). When you have completed your application, send us an e-mail to info@globed.eu with the name of your home university and we will take care to modify your information accordingly.


I am in the last year of my Bachelor’s Degree. Can I apply?

Yes. For those admitted students who have not completed the Bachelor’s degree yet, GLOBED will issue a “conditional admission”. The deadline to submit the diploma and the transcript of records (or temporary diploma) will be on July 10th.


I have a Bachelor’s Degree but it is not on the list of required degrees. Can I still apply?

Yes. The Selection Board will determine whether it is considered eligible or not and students will be informed.


Do we need to send a recommendation letter?

No, since it will not make any difference in the final outcome.


I cannot see my country on the list of Partner or Programme countries. Can I apply?

All nationalities are welcome at GLOBED. However, students from countries not recognized by Spain will be not able to follow the programme because of visa inconveniences, and so their application will be declined. Students coming from those countries can still apply with a second nationality, if possible.

Programme countries are all European Union countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, F.Y.R. Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey. All other countries in the world are considered as Partner countries.


Do I have to pay any registration fee at the pre-enrolment procedure?

No, the pre-enrolment through the UAB portal is free of charge.


I am experiencing troubles with my NIU and password at the time of applying. What can I do?

If you are having issues with your password, or if you don’t remember it, please use this link.


Do we have to translate and legalise our diplomas in order to apply to the programme?

Not during the application process. Only if eventually selected you will be asked to translate and legalise your Bachelor’s diploma and transcript of records.

Once selected, can I choose the destination for the second semester (Glasgow, Cyprus or Bremen)?

GLOBED Consortium asks students about their favourite destination, and the willing will be always to respect students’ decision. Despite this, if the amount of students choosing one or another destination is heavily unbalanced, some adjustments will be done.


My CV is not in Europass format. Can I upload it?

No, all CV’s that are not in the Europass format will be considered as invalid documentation. As we receive hundred’s of applications, it is crucial for us to have one single format of CV so we can quickly identify the key strengths of each applicant. More information about how to do a Europass CV can be found at their official website.


What is the required format for the Motivation Letter and for the Essay?

You can follow the following structure both for the Motivation Letter and for the Essay:

  • Typing: Font should be Times New Roman, size 11; spacing for the main text should be 1.5.
  • Documents exceeding one page will be considered invalids, hence the application will be automatically nullified.
  • Both the Motivation Letter and the Essay are preferred in PDF format.

Where can I find the new topic of the Essay?


The new topic of the Essay can be downloaded here.


I am experiencing problems when accessing the platform:

According to our technical support department, this issue could be related to cookies. You could try to register again with a different browser, and/or by using the incognito mode. You can also try to manage or recover your password by using your email address (https://oim.uab.es/opwd/email) or NIU (https://oim.uab.es/opwd/niu). In the worst case scenario, you may have to create a new account.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for them.